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The biggest life lesson learnt from my 5 year old: Birthday Musings
I am not being partial if I am saying this, but most of the times I am unable to scold…

A Birthday Wish Come True – A Rustic Mind
This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop. It is in response to the weekly prompts for 4th-10th March with the…

Wordsmith at work
Birthday celebrations and traditions may vary around the world, but the essence of a birthday is in celebrating the gift…

Cold Water Therapy for Anxiety Relief - Akshata Shanbhag
Struggling with anxiety? Research shows that immersing your face in ice-cold water can activate the body's diving reflex, slow your…

Wordsmith at work
Birthday celebrations and traditions may vary around the world, but the essence of a birthday is in celebrating the gift…

A Crazy Novel
The novel made me laugh a lot; it has plenty of humour, dark though it is. But the novel also…

Cold Water Therapy for Anxiety Relief - Akshata Shanbhag
Struggling with anxiety? Research shows that immersing your face in ice-cold water can activate the body's diving reflex, slow your…

The biggest life lesson learnt from my 5 year old: Birthday Musings
I am not being partial if I am saying this, but most of the times I am unable to scold…

A Birthday Wish Come True – A Rustic Mind
This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop. It is in response to the weekly prompts for 4th-10th March with the…
Featured Campaigns
Submit you blogpost to one of the featured campaigns and earn money with Blogchatter, one of best free blogging sites to monetize your online presence.
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Featured Blogchatter Blog Hop
Blogchatter Blog Hop is a new way to write collectively. It is a weekly Blog Hop and there will be weekly winners too.
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Internet Does Not Discriminate
There are many news articles that have recently come up recently that showcase the disturbing consequences of unchecked internet use among children. Share your thoughts on the topic #InternetDoesNotDiscriminate through a blog post.
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Safe Internet For Kids
Parents are concerned about their kids’ internet activity and time spent on the web but they can’t be physically present all the time. Share your thoughts on the need of creating a safe internet playground for kids through a blog post.
Remaining Post: 0Reward Points: 1000-
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