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#Poets know everything, from Fibonacci numbers to equations, but the thing that they know best of all is that kindness is what really matters, says Sampurna Chattarji
#Alphabet letters for #BlogchatterA2Z 2022
#Various OTT platforms expect different stories to engage the audience, says Sidharth Jain from The Story Ink
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#History of Casteism in India
#Samit Basu says writing block exists and any writer who says it doesn’t is lying
#A writer is like a lizard on the wall who’s always observing, says Manreet Sodhi Someshwar as she talks about writing female characters
#Pallavi Aiyar says a writer’s job is to write rather than to predict how it will be received
#Maharsh Shah says working in Bollywood gave him all the masala he needed to write his debut novel Zoravar
#Poets know everything, from Fibonacci numbers to equations, but the thing that they know best of all is that kindness is what really matters, says Sampurna Chattarji
Check how bookish you are with this fun quiz #WorldBookDay
- April 25, 2022
- Publishing
This is a contribution post by Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan
There can be never too many books or too much celebration around them. So let’s continue celebrating World Book Day with a quiz on books and get to know many facts about the first recorded books on various subjects.
1. William Makepeace Thackeray first found himself as a writer and the weakness and the strength of his long sustained satire against the social foibles of his time are revealed in the book. Name the book.
- Esmond
- The book of Snobs
- Round about papers
- Vanity fair
2. William Blake’s mystical bent of mind found fuller expression in:
- The vision of the daughters of Albion
- The marriage of heaven and hell
- The book of Thel
- Songs of innocence
3. Growse in his translation of which book observed that “his book is in every one’s hands from the court, to the cottage, and is read and heard and appreciated alike by every class of the Hindu community, whether high or low, rich or poor, young or old” ?
- Ramayana of Tulsidas
- Sahitya Lahari of Sur Das
- Ode-e-Hindi of Mirza Ghalib
- Tukaram Gatha of Tukaram
4. The first law books “Narada Samhitha and Bruhaspathi Samhitha were written by
- Narada
- Angirasa
- Chanakya
- Bruhaspathi
5. Written by Apicius in the 4th century AD in Rome, it contains 500 recipes including many with Indian spices. Name the world’s first recorded cook book?
- The book of sent Sovi
- The form of Curry
- Yale culinary tablets
- De Re Coquinaria.
6. In 1800 the word was created and the book cover produced. The first recorded use of the noun is believed to be in 1821. The first use of the verb was recorded in 1879. It is referred to as a book with blank pages for pasting items into. Identify the Book.
- Art book
- Scrap book
- The Swatch book
- Record book
7. Which is the shortest novel ever written in English?
- The castle Lady
- The Longest Journey
- The story of the Vivian Girls
- Baby shoes
8. Which is considered as the first Encyclopedia in the world?
- Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
- The Natural History of Pliny the Elder
- Great Junior Encyclopedia by Morgan Sally
- The secret History by Donna Tartt
9. The brain child of Sir Hugh Beaver, the book was co-founded by twin brothers Norris and Ross Mc Whirter in 1955. Identify the book.
- The Guinness Book of World Records
- The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
- India Book of Records
- Asia book of Records
10. The oldest known printed book was created with a method known as block printing, which utilised panels of hand- carved wood blocks in reverse. Identify the book.
- Little Golden Books
- Natya Shastra
- The Diamond Sutra
- Vruksha Shastra
Time to check your answers!
- Two
- Three
- One
- One and Four
- Four
- Two
- Four
- Two
- One
- Three
How many did you get right? Share your answers on social and tag BeStorified. If you have something interesting like this to share, write to us and get featured on our site!
Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan is a tutor, blogger, poet, book reviewer and passionate reader. Her interest in reading and writing paved the way for her blog in 2016. Book Food Language is an amalgamation of the three elements.
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