From Words to Worlds: Nilshree’s Journey Through Motherhood and Authorship
- April 19, 2024
- Stories
Amidst all the roles we play, there are people whose stories resonate deeply, reflecting the triumphs and struggles of everyday existence. Nilshree, an engineer turned homemaker, in a conversation with us talked about her journey of self-discovery, where motherhood and the written word intertwined to create a beautiful new narrative. Let’s hear from her.
Can you tell us a little about yourself, Nilshree?
I am an engineer by qualification, a homemaker and a mother by choice, and a writer by accident!

What inspired you to start writing?
Initially, my writings belonged only to myself as I tried to heal myself through my postpartum. I was not even aware it was going to heal me. One day I sat, addressed my feelings and I felt better. After that day, it became a ritual. I did not intentionally make my writings public, but the way my readers found them relatable inspired me to write more!
It is often challenging to manage work as well as life after delivery. What motivated you to keep writing?
I would be lying if I said NO to this! It is, it is very tough. Well, many will find it to be bragging, but this is as true and real as it could be. I have compromised on my sleep to complete my first book. Till then, even my closest friend did not believe that I would really end up writing a book. I did it for myself, and then everyone believed! In my case, managing work and the new-born was managing household chores and the new-born. Being a first-time mother with all new responsibilities on a mission to start writing from scratch was not easy.

There were numerous occasions when I skipped meals and many other luxuries, that is the kind of passion I have for writing! Now writing is so intertwined that if I miss documenting my feelings it makes me feel restless and gives me anxiety. It is now a part of my schedule.
You also dove into self-publishing. Can you share your experience? Challenges and successes in the process.
Publishing was a new arena for me, entering into it with no Godfather, after being financially dependent on my spouse for almost 5 years, I did not want my passion to leave a hole in his pocket! After connecting with fellow authors and learning the ways of publishing a book; I was at a stage where I was not looking for external validation, but publishing that book as fast as possible was the only goal. Like a dreaded peacock in scorching heat, I was craving for accomplishment and recognition. My debut book, as I always say, is about that elder child who is experimented the most by the parents as they are also new to being parents! I first got it vanity published through a publisher. After facing zero transparency in communication, and no update on royalty I turned to Notion Press for self-publishing.

What inspired the idea to create a platform for fellow authors? Can you walk us through the moment when you decided to turn your struggles into an opportunity for others?
It was in October 2021, after the release of my 4th book “Whispers of a Budgie” that I realized; the process of publishing has been simplified, however, promoting a book for a self-published author still remains a tough task.
It is the struggle to promote my books that made me make Authoropod – a platform where authors get multiple ways to promote their books. We started as an e-magazine in April 2022 and further added a podcast in August 2022.
How did you go about creating the platform? What challenges did you have to overcome?
The only challenge I have faced to date is to gain trust, the rest technical challenges I am still learning to overcome with each passing day. Initially, the design of the e-magazine was a basic one, not very presentable or fancy, but I have overcome it with the feedback that I received from the contributors and the readers. This whole book promotion domain has become so cluttered, that many others are doing it; But since I have been on the author’s side too, only when an author benefits from it is the moment I feel satisfied.

Being on both the side of stories, Authoropod is not a business for me, it is my genuine urge to help authors promote their work. Many would not be convinced with this idea, but that is how I want it to be. Another limitation I have faced is, that everything I have done, plan to do or am doing is all from home. I have not been able to network with people much beyond social media. My existing domestic responsibilities are something I do not intend to give up on. I am overcoming this one by starting to step out occasionally and attend litfests and relevant events. I hope I get to plan one for Authoropod soon!
Can you share an instance where you felt the platform made a significant positive impact that you could translate as an achievement?
When we started, there were instances when we were short of content. We had to reach out to people and a few of them did support us by contributing. But after our anniversary edition, i.e. after April 2023, we have writers and authors who show their interest and reserve their slots in advance. So that translates to us gradually gaining trust, I consider so! Also, I am not a number fan, but I feel fortunate to have this literary venture available to read for free for everyone because it helped us reach 1k readers with our latest edition!

Is there a piece of advice you wish you had received when you were starting your writing journey?
I wish I received motivation and encouragement from knowns rather than getting “Who reads books these days?”, to hear! I know it does not earn me anywhere close to my paycheck, but it does bring me peace and solitude. I still don’t consider myself a successful author, but the ones who have not been a part of the process, definitely do not deserve to be a part of my success too! On the contrary, I found strangers very helpful and inspiring and I am blessed to meet them in this journey.
A piece of advice to mothers looking to start their careers post-delivery?
I believe not every woman wishes to be career-oriented, I am not! Because priorities change after embracing motherhood. It’s the pain of not putting my talent to optimum use that pinches me. So I would recommend every mom-to-be to plan their post-partum well. Communicate about it clearly to the family also, there is no shame in it. Everyone around is so rejoiced with the arrival of the new one that they forget the parents as well have only one life to live. Hence, rather than letting parenting become a burden, find a way in which all of you exist holistically. Especially for mothers, motherhood does not come to let you hang your dreams and aspirations on the hook. It changes your life in many ways, but the real test is to find a way out to reach them while you juggle all of the parallel journeys. I am not saying it’s easy, I am only saying it will be worth it, trust me!
Nilshree’s journey speaks of perseverance and the transformative power of having the drive or passion to do something in spite of struggles. Her story reminds us that even amidst life’s challenges, embracing our passions and supporting others in their endeavours can lead to so much contentment.
It is all about the resilience of the human spirit and the joy found in following one’s dreams.
You can also connect with Nilshree on her Instagram and find details on her E-magazine and Podcast here.
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