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#Alphabet letters for #BlogchatterA2Z 2022
#Various OTT platforms expect different stories to engage the audience, says Sidharth Jain from The Story Ink
#5 Indian LGBTQ+ Influencers You Should Follow Right Now!
#10 Exercises to Keep You Fit While You Sit
#History of Casteism in India
#Samit Basu says writing block exists and any writer who says it doesn’t is lying
#A writer is like a lizard on the wall who’s always observing, says Manreet Sodhi Someshwar as she talks about writing female characters
#Pallavi Aiyar says a writer’s job is to write rather than to predict how it will be received
#Maharsh Shah says working in Bollywood gave him all the masala he needed to write his debut novel Zoravar
#Poets know everything, from Fibonacci numbers to equations, but the thing that they know best of all is that kindness is what really matters, says Sampurna Chattarji
#Alphabet letters for #BlogchatterA2Z 2022
#Various OTT platforms expect different stories to engage the audience, says Sidharth Jain from The Story Ink
#5 Indian LGBTQ+ Influencers You Should Follow Right Now!
#10 Exercises to Keep You Fit While You Sit
#History of Casteism in India
#Samit Basu says writing block exists and any writer who says it doesn’t is lying
#A writer is like a lizard on the wall who’s always observing, says Manreet Sodhi Someshwar as she talks about writing female characters
#Pallavi Aiyar says a writer’s job is to write rather than to predict how it will be received
#Maharsh Shah says working in Bollywood gave him all the masala he needed to write his debut novel Zoravar
#Poets know everything, from Fibonacci numbers to equations, but the thing that they know best of all is that kindness is what really matters, says Sampurna Chattarji
Posts Tagged: medical dramas
- October 30, 2021
Medical drama clichés that we actually enjoy
As much as we love to watch TV dramas, medical dramas hit another level. Over the years it has become clear that they’re here to stay. Many of these award winning shows have captivated audiences
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