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#Alphabet letters for #BlogchatterA2Z 2022
#Various OTT platforms expect different stories to engage the audience, says Sidharth Jain from The Story Ink
#5 Indian LGBTQ+ Influencers You Should Follow Right Now!
#10 Exercises to Keep You Fit While You Sit
#History of Casteism in India
#Samit Basu says writing block exists and any writer who says it doesn’t is lying
#A writer is like a lizard on the wall who’s always observing, says Manreet Sodhi Someshwar as she talks about writing female characters
#Pallavi Aiyar says a writer’s job is to write rather than to predict how it will be received
#Maharsh Shah says working in Bollywood gave him all the masala he needed to write his debut novel Zoravar
#Poets know everything, from Fibonacci numbers to equations, but the thing that they know best of all is that kindness is what really matters, says Sampurna Chattarji
#Alphabet letters for #BlogchatterA2Z 2022
#Various OTT platforms expect different stories to engage the audience, says Sidharth Jain from The Story Ink
#5 Indian LGBTQ+ Influencers You Should Follow Right Now!
#10 Exercises to Keep You Fit While You Sit
#History of Casteism in India
#Samit Basu says writing block exists and any writer who says it doesn’t is lying
#A writer is like a lizard on the wall who’s always observing, says Manreet Sodhi Someshwar as she talks about writing female characters
#Pallavi Aiyar says a writer’s job is to write rather than to predict how it will be received
#Maharsh Shah says working in Bollywood gave him all the masala he needed to write his debut novel Zoravar
#Poets know everything, from Fibonacci numbers to equations, but the thing that they know best of all is that kindness is what really matters, says Sampurna Chattarji
Posts Tagged: video tips
- July 12, 2022
Making reels that really stand out!
Instagram is the most used social media after Facebook. Approximately there are over one billion users accessing Instagram on a monthly basis and about 500 million stories are being shared on a daily basis. This
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