To love yourself is to see light
- February 25, 2022
- Trends
This is a contribution post by Jasmine Bhatia
Self-love is something that is trending these days. February is the month of love and the spotlight is more on loving thyself and being one’s own valentine.
It’s not how much you do but how much love you put in the doing, is what counts.
Mother Theresa
Self-love is an act of kindness and compassion towards our own self. It’s not a forceful act that someone can impose over the other.
Self-love is about considering oneself as the most precious, the most joyous and the most valuable than anything else. An act of self-love is done only when one wants to be happy and in peace.
Self-love and Selfishness
Self-love is seen often as being compared to selfishness.
An individual who does not think or care about other person feelings and emotions and just fulfills his / her own needs and desires is captioned as being selfish.
But an individual who cares about their likings and prioritizes a few hours for their ‘Self-Care’ is many times misunderstood as being selfish.
The magic of self-love over selfishness
- Self-love brings Acceptance –
When we understand our own self and love ourselves despite not being perfect with quite a few weaknesses, we unconditionally accept the other person the way they are and lead a life free from complaints and grudges.
- Self-love gives freedom –
Freedom is the most precious gift to give self and anyone around. Holding too tightly onto one’s thoughts brings suffocation in a relationship. Self-love teaches to respect the other person’s decisions and their say to give liberty and space to do what they love to do.
- Self-love does not compulsorily demand love from others-
When we love ourselves, we glow from inside with happiness and with a balanced state of understanding, we do not demand love from others but instead understand that demanding love never can attract respect and love from others.
- Self-love imparts Gratitude –
Abundance of self-love brings an attitude of looking at the positive things in life and being gratefulness for what we have. We learn to live in the present moment and the power of synchronicity gradually makes all things fall in the right place for us and for everyone around us.
- Self-love guides to rise above self to give others-
With self-love, an individual knows that giving is everything. Self-Love not just makes you happy but it is contagious which spreads smiles, hugs, happiness and love to everyone they meet with their presence.
Self-love is not selfish,
It’s not a mistake that you have done,
Instead, it’s a lifestyle that
Makes you who you are!
It begins from within,
Nurtures and purifies the heart to flow outwards
As the best gift to yourself and the World.
Jasmine Bhatia is a blogger, volunteer, home maker, learner and an optimistic person by nature. She believes our life is a beautiful creation of the universe given to each one of us and each day is blessed with new thoughts, new opportunities, new challenges and new learning from every little cell of life. Her articles are written with a motive to re-fill the dose of positivity and believe in the beauty of the lessons of life that it gives to all of us. Find her on Twitter.
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