5 Things You Should Know About Coffee Addicts
- October 1, 2021
- Trends
The word addict may have made you wary but a coffee addict is actually a good thing, er, person. These people just take their coffee seriously; some of them think it’s a religion and yet others are emotional about their beverage with something akin jingoism.
The best part about hanging out with a coffee addict is that you may soon view it with benevolent eyes, heck even liking it yourself!
Here’s what you should know about coffee and its afficinados (thank us later for the inside scoops).
#1 Coffee making and drinking is a ritual
It ain’t just a get up in the morning, drag yourself to the kitchen counter and scoop some instant coffee into the mug and top it with milk and sugar thing. Making the perfect cup is a kind of a meditative experience for coffee addicts. Measuring out the beans, roasting them, grinding and pouring water at just the right temperature for the beans to release their aroma and flavour. Mmm…it’s a cup to be savoured.
#2 The vocabulary is mind blowing
Flat white, long black, cappuccino, latte, cafe maccchiato, americano, mocha, red eye, irish – navigating a cafe menu can be tricky and talking to a coffee addict a bit intimidating. Rather than trying to learn it all yourself, acknowledge then to be the expert and ask them to choose for you at the coffee shop. All you need to mumble are a few words like strong, milky, foamy and they will know exactly what you will dig.
#3 Coffee Tourism is legit
Visiting coffee plantations, looking at plants upon plants, beans upon beans and tasting tiny cups, oohing and ahing over the different flavours may be the coffee addict’s idea of a perfect holiday. Frankly, you would have to tag along if you want to be in their good books and who knows, you may even get your brand of adventure. Travel and beverages do make good companions.
#4 Coffee comes first, always
The coffee equipment, the grinder, roaster and blender, milk frother, french press, filters might be taking up a lot of space (physical and mental both), your neighborhood jaunts may have to accomodate detours to the nearest cafe, every conversation may veer towards those (damned) beans and every person judged through the coffee lens but, but, but you learn to live with it. It’s like a silly quirk your friend has and what are friends if not, ahem, quirky.
#5 Speciality coffee does taste different
Flowery, nutty, herby, smoky, bitter, sweet, salty, sour are all ways to describe the aroma and taste if a coffee. Did you know there’s a coffee flavour wheel too? Speciality coffee is not just some nerdy way of describing a beverage that shouldn’t really be given this much attention, but, well. The flavours are unique and even if you can’t distinguish them yourself, you only nod safely along, professing to enjoy it.
Now that you are a coffee enthusiast yourself (didn’t you finish reading this post?), we are sure you can brew a great cup yourself.
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