7 Life-changing Lessons that Almost Everyone Experiences
- December 31, 2021
- Trends
“Life Is The Best Teacher”
No human is born an expert. Life-changing lessons take months, years and maybe a lifetime. As humans grow and live, life lessons keep on coming their way. There are a thousand quotes that speak a thousand words but it is only real-life experiences that teach us. Here are a few life-changing lessons that almost everyone experiences and learns from.
Learning to Trust
To trust someone and to gain their trust is a slow process. But sometimes we understand this only after our own trust is broken. It is initially a difficult experience but it leads the way to making better decisions.
Negotiating a Failure
The first major failure of an expectation in adult life hits hard. Initially demotivating, it paves the way to an understanding that we win some and we lose some. Failure is not final. There’s always another door that opens when one closes.
Loss of a Loved One
We take life and the people around us for granted but mortality is the reality of our existence. It may be difficult to navigate our life after a loss and nay plunge us into a meditation on the purpose of life. Ultimately, a loss guides us to see the beauty of life even when it is ephemeral.
Transition to College Life
School is a fairy tale for most of us but moving to a college brings not only freedom but also responsibility. This life-changing transition helps us find out a lot of new things, understand the way the world works and manage our expectations.
First Heartbreak
Love makes us feel on cloud nine and when it goes away, it breaks our heart into pieces. With time you may realise that cherishing the people you have us the best thing to do. If they are meant to be in your life, they would stay.
Realising our Self-worth
It may take a series of missed opportunities and botch-ups to realise that a feeling of being worthy need not be tied to your accomplishments. Work on your strengths, optimise and resources and trust in your capabilities. You are going to reach your goals one day.
Conquering Fear
We all have fears in our hearts and minds. Real growth happens when we come face-to-face with these fears and go beyond them.
What are some lessons or learnings from 2021 that you would carry forward?
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