12 signs you’re a book lover!
- October 6, 2022
- Trends
This is a contribution post by Anushree Saha
I have always been a book lover but in the past few months, I have met some beautiful people who adore books just like me. Here are some traits I find common in us all. Keep reading to know more about our kingdom of book lovers!
1. You gravitate towards bookstores
No matter where you go, whether to the mall or the roadside, your eyes are always searching for books, even if only for window shopping! *cough-broke-cough*
2. All you want is books as gifts

Fancy clothes or money will never be the perfect gift for you. You would rather tell your friends to gift exactly the book on your TBR list. (Or maybe that expensive book you won’t buy? *wink wink*)
3. You hoard books even when your TBR is piling up

Ahh! The never-ending pile but not complaining at all. Nothing screams book lover louder than that! Did anything call too many books? Nah.
4. You start loving bookish paraphernalia
Candles, bookmarks, tabs, sleeves, the list goes on. You want to enjoy the whole bookish experience! They are a treat for the eyes and soul- something every book lover adores.
5. You are always accompanied by a book
You can forget your earphones but never your book. (Psst. Best way to ignore people)
6. You love rearranging your bookshelf and staring at it
The beauty that is on your shelf, you can’t help admiring your collection. Rearranging is an excuse to go through all your books again!
7. You will always choose physical books over e-books

Many perspectives on this one but the smell, feel and experience of reading a physical copy can’t be compared to an ebook. Especially charging the devices is a pain. A book will never give up on you!
8. Book boxes haunt your dreams when you can’t afford them

Most of the time, these boxes are so expensive that you can only imagine owning and hugging them! Hopefully, one day you will.
9. Bookstagram gives you relief
Bookstagram lets you know that like-minded people exist and drool over aesthetic book pictures.
It’s sad when your friends don’t share the same love for books that you do. Instagram comes to the rescue where you meet an amazing bunch of book lovers like you!
10. People always come to you for recommendations
….but are often irritated by how much you obsess over books.
They can never understand, don’t let negative vibes get to you. You go! Keep reading!
11. You hesitate to lend your precious gems
…and die on the inside if someone dogears or ruins them. No no no! Never do that! Use a bookmark, please. If I lend my books to you, feel blessed. You must be a special person. Do you keep a list of books given to friends and family? Well, I do.
12. Your Amazon wish list is so huge and keeps on expanding

All the beauties which you wish for will be yours someday. Trust me. I hope you related to at least some of these. If you did resonate with all, join the club, you are a book lover!
Anushree Saha aka My Word Bubble (blog) is an avid reader, writer and knowledge-seeker from Mumbai, who believes herself to be a Philomath- a lover of learning. She is a freelancer, book blogger, poetry, art and journaling enthusiast. Her poems have been previously published in anthologies such as Carnations, Beyond Life, Anika and Little Love notes. Also, an Amazon Verified Influencer, you can explore her bookish world further on Instagram.
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