Habits that make you attractive like a charm!
- December 30, 2021
- Trends
We all want to be attractive, get noticed and we don’t mean just physical looks. Being attractive means to have and develop certain qualities that draw people towards you- being the kind of person everyone loves to be around. So what are those qualities? Let’s take a look.
Be a good listener
Many of us listen to reply. Be the person who listens to make the other person feel heard. Most times people don’t really want advice, they want a listening ear. Listening shows respect and regard to the other person. It shows that we actually care about what the other person has to say. Listening to people keenly helps us gain insights into ourselves too. Make eye contact, nod your head, don’t get distracted by your phone when you are having a conversation with someone.
Be curious- ask questions
If we are never curious about anything, we can never be smart! Be curious about people, about life. Especially when you’re having a conversation with someone, asking questions shows how invested you are in that moment. It impresses people when they know you are present and listening and want to know more about them. When people share and you have more to say and continue the conversation you naturally come off as attractive and fascinating.
Do something nice to surprise people
This could be for a friend, for your partner, family member or total strangers. People like pleasant surprises. Hold the door open for someone, help somebody cross the road, surprise your neighbour with food maybe when she’s unwell, plan a date night with your spouse so you have some time off from a monotonous routine. Help a colleague who’s neck deep in work. There are many little ways or gestures to show you care. It need not be something huge or dramatic.
Make time for yourself
You’re the person you have lived with the longest. If you don’t make alone time for yourself, how will you get in touch with your inner self? How will you improve as a person? Take yourself out on a date, for a trip. Read that book you’ve been wanting to since so long. Cook and indulge yourself in a delicious meal complete with candles and music. Spending time with yourself means you spend time in personal development which in turn definitely makes you an attractive person. After all, we have to keep moving ahead and improving, right?
Be punctual- keep your word
When you give your word to someone, make sure you keep it. When you say you’ll show up, show up! Nobody likes being stood up, especially if it is the first time you are making an impression on them. Keep up with deadlines, be on time for dates, get togethers, call when you say you will. It builds credibility in both personal and professional life. And if anything, we’re all looking for people we can trust and rely on. You can be that person.
Keep learning
Taking forward the previous point, we’ve got to keep up with changing times by learning new things. Figure out your goals, map out a plan to help you achieve them which includes learning new skills and eventually shining! A good learner will keep evolving and growing and will not be ashamed to admit they don’t know something yet. This is a highly attractive quality!
Wear a smile
It sounds simple, but how many times do we smile in a day? A smile works wonders, it charms people around you, not to mention it makes you yourself feel more confident in your skin. You can wear great clothes, the most exquisite perfume, a dash of bold lipstick, carry the latest phone or drive a sleek car, but if you don’t wear a smile, the other things won’t feel welcoming enough. People are attracted to warmth. Tall, dark and handsome, or a cold attitude with your nose in the air may only make good fictional characters!
Building good relationships with people and with yourself begins with developing long lasting attractive traits such as these. This of course is not an exhaustive list, so feel free to add on. Write to us and get featured on BeStorified.
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