Quirky New Year resolutions to inspire you
- January 1, 2023
- Trends
Finally, the time has come when everyone one of us takes good-for-nothing new year’s resolutions and some serious new year’s resolutions, which obviously not most of us follow for all the wrong reasons. Come on, who even puts in so much effort nowadays? It’s even a trend to not follow resolutions.
Coming to think about it, has anyone you know taken any funny or unusual resolutions that even you wanted to try such things? Sure, the curious side of our brain would desperately want to give it a try. It will be fun right? Of course, it has to be. That’s the catch in taking such resolutions at the beginning of the year.
This year why not try something different for a change? Something meaningful and new yet realistic and fun. Here are some suggestions. Take your tick from the list below!
Learn to say NO
Some might think, what’s so difficult about saying no to someone? Hello! For those who had the privilege of saying “No”, there are people who are forced into a situation where they can’t say “No” directly to the other person even if they are not okay with the decision. Some people just can’t. They hesitate a lot to even claim their basic rights and voice out their concerns. Saying a definite “NO” means a big thing and brings a huge difference in a society where people are even interpreting the word “NO”. Come on, just get it to your head and be stubborn. NO means “NO”!
Try to be more spontaneous
It doesn’t hurt anyone to enjoy your life just a little by doing something for yourself the first time in a long time. If you love doing it or want a new experience, just go for it! Don’t overthink and let others influence your decisions. Moreover, if you don’t have fun now, when will you ever break out of your shell? Let’s not waste our precious time overthinking and over-analyzing every situation at hand and being anxious about what might happen. Let’s just focus on the present and what you want or need to do. As simple as that.
Get lost in nature without any gadgets
It is always a pure joy to find a piece of you in nature. Something that feels like a warm hug on a cold winter morning when you finally see the sunrise between the mountains, a moment that is itched in your memory for eternity. These are the rarest of rare moments that we as humans should experience at least once in our life. You will know the true meaning of the existence of life which not even a thousand cameras can capture.
Learn a new survival skill
The world is full of uncertainty. So, who knows what will happen next? The pandemic came out of the blue and turned the world upside down. It might not be a shocker if suddenly one day we wake up and are stricken by the news that the world is coming to an end today. So, it’s nothing wrong to be prepared beforehand, right? And if it’s also fun then why not?
There are still people who don’t know how to swim, in case of a flood what will they do? What if you are stuck in a room but can’t find the key to unlock the door during a tsunami? You get the point, right? Learn to swim if you don’t already. Learn to open a door with a knife or paper clip. One day when there is a dire situation you will get to be ‘the cool guy‘ in the room.
Break the record and do something you would never do!
Think about it, there will definitely be a list of things that you would rather die but would do. For example, some people would even wait a long time for the food while making awkward eye contact with the waiter rather than just asking for it. Or there will be people who would speed walk but never run. Hold on, what is the big difference? Definitely nothing undoable, for sure! One just have to push a little further-teeny tiny bit- to move to the next step but people never do that. That simple push is even harder than anyone could imagine. So, this new year, why not take a leap and see what happens?
Just think about it. What’s the worst that could happen? Probably nothing.
Now, its time for you to take resolutions for the new year. Already have anything in mind? Do what makes you happy.
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