The definition of  evangelism has been expanding over the years and now we have evangelists in almost every field – software, brand, product, marketing, customer, food, etc. But we’re talking about digital evangelism today.

But what is evangelism exactly? It means “to share good news.”


Building a positive association with a thought/product /person /brand etc using digital media the right way.
Cannot be automated and should ideally be authentic #Blogchatter
Important for the thing in question to be “good”

— Dr. Amrita BasuMisra (@misra_amrita)

So when we build relationships by forming a community, spread good word about a brand or product, that is digital evangelism. We need to have a purpose behind our brand: our presence in the digital world should be meaningful.

A1. My Brand story was and will always be community – I seek that as my only digital presence. I love to rally around people and their ideas, in fact even today a DM or an email brainstorming something gets me going.

Of course lack of time now comes in my way A LOT #Blogchatter


— Richa Singh (@richa_singh)

1. Of course everyone wants to change the world and all that, but I want my brand story to make people think, to relive their old memories while I recount mine and to explore hidden facets of themselves #Blogchatter


— Ramya J.S. D’Rozario (@samantha_rjsdr)

Stepping into the digital world with a plan and purpose is important if you want your message to spread far and wide.

We talk so much about the importance of community building, but how does that intersect with digital evangelism? They’re very much connected!

Without a crowd to hear your voice, without people to support your cause, and cheer you on, a brand can’t exist. It is simply not possible. Communication has to be two-way.

Focus on the quality of your content. People are naturally drawn to authenticity.  Building relationships ensures greater reach. The stronger the bond, the quicker the word spreads.

A3. You can’t go anywhere without people or relationships or support. And these are the people who help spread word about you. In that case they become evangelists for you #Blogchatter


— Suchita Agarwal (@talesOfsuchita)


If you are serious about taking your brand/product to new horizons, you need to build a credible brand story, make utmost use of social media and your website, and provide people with content that adds value to their life.

And it is them who will go out there, into the world and talk about your brand – your story – and tell people why they should invest their time and effort in learning your story.


When you become an evangelist for a brand, you not only lend credibility to the brand, you also gain credibility from it. Hence when you write content or sponsored posts, they aren’t just helping you earn money, they are also helping you in establishing your thought leadership in a chosen niche.

Thought leadership helps you not only to gain credibility, but also with brand building. On the journey of blogger to thought leadership through #LeaderChatter all April. Come back for more!