When you visit a website, what appeals to you the most? Well, there may be different things that interest different people. But there needs to be at least one thing that holds your visitor so they browse further. This is why we need to build an Authority Site. First 20 seconds on your site builds an impression for your visitors. It is your face to the world and you need to give all the necessary information in one place. So where do you start?


This is the first page that tells about your site and the most powerful one. You need to show your strongest points on this page: the reason why a visitor should stay and browse more. So what all should be included?

  • Powerful Headline that catches the attention. A headline should include the purpose of your site. Research your words well and make it SEO friendly. There are many applications and software available that help you build a strong headline. Headline Analyser is one such website that works well. It should be apt and give maximum information in a few words.
  • Secondary title that explains your work a little more. It should be binding and complementing the main headline.
  • Call to action button to redirect the visitor after they have read the information on your landing page. This button can redirect to your blog, Amazon book page, or wherever you want to direct their attention.


As soon as the blog loads, there are many things that appeal to a user. First and foremost, it should be de-cluttered. Nobody likes a mess. At least, that’s what the majority thinks. They should highlight the main topics you write about or the products you sell.

The search bar should be at the top to ease your visitor’s browsing.

Your social presence is proof of your work in the community. It plays an important role in spreading the word.

Testimonials can be added to the homepage that speaks about your talent and good work.

Certificates, media coverage, education, etc. that highlights your thought leadership and tells the visitor if they come to your website, they will receive quality, authority content.

Little things add to a big impression when done professionally. On the journey of blogger to thought leadership through #LeaderChatter all April. Come back for more!